Windbird left her mooring ball in Trellis Bay bright and
early on April 14th. We motored through the Camanoe Passage and then
put up the sails and enjoyed a quick broad reach down to Cane Garden Bay,
arriving just after 9am. During the sail I called around to a couple different
car rental agencies and found a 4x4 with a small company that could pick us up
in Cane Garden Bay; they arrived around 10am and brought us to West End where
we picked up the Suzuki Vitara. From there we headed to Road Town, marveling at
all the devastation along the way. In Road Town we did some reprovisioning and
other chores, then headed back to Nanny Cay to pick up the fuel diaphragm for
the dinghy outboard. We also had a really delicious lunch of West Indian Roti at Nanny Cay’s
dockside restaurant, Genaker Cafe. Afterwards we picked up a few things at
Nanny Cay’s Budget Marine store, then engaged in a lengthy wild goose chase for
an unusually long and skinny clevis pin for one of our mainsail mast track
cars (I ended up substituting a cotter pin until I can get the clevis pin from a Doyle sailmaker). By the time we got back to the boat, it was already almost time to head
back across the mountain to Road Town to pick up our friend Andy and his
girlfriend Ann from the ferry dock.
On Sunday we had a lazy morning but then got going around
11am; we wanted to explore the island of Tortola while Dawn and I had the 4x4.
This ended up involving quite a few stops at beach bars (starting with the
fantastic Stoutt’s Lookout Bar far above Cane Garden Bay) and an awesome lunch
at a lively roadside joint straight out of Puerto Rico right down to the
spirited dominos game (with heavy betting) in the corner. I got to practice my
Spanish for the first time in a few weeks. We eventually worked our way to
Trellis Bay to inspect the remaining beached sailboats, then took Ridge Road in search of a viewpoint to watch the sunset. We found the perfect spot, in a ruined ridgetop home that must have been pretty spectacular before the storm. Once it was dark we headed back down to Road Town, to check into Lance and Mark’s boat at The Moorings’ base and do some provisioning for them at the RiteWay. They’d originally been planning to arrive Sunday afternoon but the Minnesota weather had other plans with a springtime Snowmageddon
that cancelled a bunch of flights and left them scrambling for
open seats out of MSP. They eventually found a way out to Boston and then down
to San Juan, where they were stuck for the night. They’d arrive to Tortola the
next day on Cape Air; we were provisioning to help get them out of the Moorings
base ASAP. Andy and Ann stayed on the charter boat (S/V Jada) overnight so Andy
could do the boat briefing in the morning and have it ready to go.
Tuesday, April 17th, my 37th birthday,
dawned clear and bright. Dawn made my favorite breakfast, Mexican Breakfast
Tacos, complete with her homemade corn tortillas. Then Kara and Erin joined us
and Piper for a spirited hike/climb to the very top of Jost, at just over 1100’
above sea level. After return and a quick lunch,
we took the dinghies over to
White Bay where S/V Jada had just anchored with Lance, Andy, Ann, Mark, and Jim
Corbo (a last-miute guest I knew from the Interline Regatta) onboard. After a
preliminary beer or two we proceeded to shore where the Soggy Dollar Bar was
already doing brisk business in Painkillers. The bar area survived Irma but the
rest of the building and surrounding trees did not, and it looked so incredibly
different. At least they recently replanted some palm trees; in a few years the
Soggy Dollar should have lush surroundings again. It’ll never be quite the same
again, though, which probably goes for all of the BVI. There will always be
Before and After.
Very soon after we got to Soggy Dollar, S/V Rondo (Mike,
Sarah, and kids Mikey and Kaitlyn) pulled in, and then the biggest surprise:
S/V Pura Vida (Hayward, Ainsley, Heyward Jr and Katie Grace), who we first met
in Georgetown SC nearly a year ago, bashed their way upwind all the way from
Culebrita in one day to make my party! Dane, Mack and Isla arrived from Sea
Otter. In addition, there were two boats in attendance we hadn’t met yet but
had heard a lot about as they’d
been with a lot of our friends from Georgetown
onward: S/V Savannah and S/V Carpe Ventum. In all we had eight boats and 24
people (and one piperdog) in attendance! It was a pretty good bash, and I was
really touched that so many of our cruising friends made the effort to make it
to Jost for my birthday.
I’ve mentioned before on this blog how our friends Andy and
Lance, before we knew them, purchased a Bristol 29.9 in Bayfield WI and sailed
it through the Great Lakes, down the Illinois, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Tom
Bigby Rivers, across the Gulf of Mexico, through the Bahamas, and down the
thorny path to the Virgin Islands. When Andy and I first flew together at Compass
Airlines, we bonded over sailing stories and I subsequently invited him and
Lance to bring their boat, S/V Yolo, from Puerto Rico to the BVI for the 2013
Interline Regatta (along with Chris Warrington, who had by then bought into
Yolo along with Mark Tunucci). The guys sold Yolo in 2014 – after
being dismasted near Culebra – but the four partners have since bought into a
Moorings charter boat. Both Lance and Andy sailed on Windbird last year, from
Charleston to Fernandina Beach, FL.
Andy and Ann were originally planning to spend their entire
vacation helping a friend rebuild his place on Vieques, but upon learning I’d
be spending my birthday in Jost van Dyke, and that we’d be joined by Lance and
Mark (and later Chris) on a Moorings 48’ Beneteau, they decided to detour to
the BVI for the first few days of their vacation. On the 14th they flew from
Minneapolis to Atlanta to St. Thomas and then took the fast ferry to Road
Town’s temporary ferry terminal at the cruise ship dock, where we met them in
the middle of a fierce downpour. We quickly retreated to the Pusser’s Pub
(undergoing repairs after losing its second story in Irma, but still open) for
a quick bite and the trip’s first Painkillers. After returning to Cane Garden
Bay we walked along the road and back via the beachfront, marveling at how much
had changed since Irma. Quito’s Gazebo, at which Andy and I spent several late
nights during Interline, is completely gone (but being rebuilt). The friendly
folks at Myett’s rasta bar lost their second story. Many of the sloping palms
that graced the beach are gone, and a great many formerly invisible homes can
be spotted on hillsides stripped of much of their vegetation. The Callwood
distillery, once heavily shaded in a thick copse of trees, is now starkly visible
from the main road. We went back to Windbird for happy hour, a spectacular
sunset over St. Thomas, and dinner and conversation long into the night. It’s
always pretty special to have good friends join us on Windbird.
Trellis Bay to inspect the remaining beached sailboats, then took Ridge Road in search of a viewpoint to watch the sunset. We found the perfect spot, in a ruined ridgetop home that must have been pretty spectacular before the storm. Once it was dark we headed back down to Road Town, to check into Lance and Mark’s boat at The Moorings’ base and do some provisioning for them at the RiteWay. They’d originally been planning to arrive Sunday afternoon but the Minnesota weather had other plans with a springtime Snowmageddon
On Monday Dawn and I returned the 4x4 to West End and got a ride
back to Cane Garden, then sailed over to Jost van Dyke. Our friends Erin and
Kara on S/V Vela were already on a mooring ball in Great Harbour when we
arrived (having sailed over from St. John and already cleared BVI customs). We
poked around looking for a place to anchor but the few good spots were already
taken, so we too took a ball. In the afternoon we and Vela took our dinghies and bashed
our way over to Sandy Cay. The interior, formerly crossed by nature trails, was impassable
due to deadfall from the storm, but we had a nice time playing beach bocce ball
and catching up with Erin and Kara, who we’d last seen in SamanĂ¡, DR. When we
returned, we were delighted to see that Dane, Mak and Isla on S/V Sea Otter had
also arrived from St. John. Knowing that Isla would probably be staying up late
on my birthday, they opted to have a quiet night on their boat, while Kara and
Erin came over to Windbird for homemade grilled pizzas and drinks. S/V Jada,
meanwhile, had been delayed at the Moorings base for maintenance, and ended up
spending the night next door in Little Harbour (JVD).

As the afternoon waned we made our way back to Great Harbour
(with us onboard Jada, dragging our dinghy behind). I briefly stopped in at
Foxy’s to let them know
our party had grown considerably (I’d made a
reservation for 16) and they said it was no problem. We all went ashore at 6:30
and enjoyed a nice dinner with good conversation (though I have to admit Foxy's food is rather lackluster for the price). Afterward I invited everyone
over to Windbird, and though not everyone came we actually had 16 in the
cockpit at one time! That’s a new record for us. It was a nice end to a pretty
birthday that I’ll remember for a very long time. And now that so many of our
friends on the Thorny Path had caught up with us, and with S/V Jada looking to
buddy boat, my birthday bash marked the start of the last, more social phase of
this year’s BVI cruise.
Happy belated birthday, Sam!