Thursday, September 1, 2016

Hello Hermine

Word from Lightkeepers Marina is that Windbird's lines are doubled up & John Schwab is keeping an eye on her. Hurricane Hermine should be down to a tropical storm well before it reaches Little River, and the current forecasts have it going by a little inland. That's actually not really the best scenerio, it means there will be leading edge winds from the southeast, the one direction from which the marina isn't well protected. The Myrtle Beach TAF is currently calling for winds 140 at 30 knots gusting 45 from 3pm Friday afternoon until the end of the forecast period (8pm). In the meantime I'll be on layover in Orlando having flown from Detroit over or around the storm Friday morning, and won't get to Myrtle Beach until Saturday night or maybe afternoon if I'm lucky. Here's hoping Windbird stays snug as a bug in a rug at her slip on R dock.

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